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Getting Started on Raspberry Pi + Seeed CAN-Shield

You can use your Raspberry Pi device with RemotiveBroker just like any other Linux computer, or you can turn your Raspberry Pi into your own variation of RemotiveBox.

For your convenience, we provide prebuilt Raspberry Pi 4 images with the Seeed CAN-Shield drivers.


  • Raspberry Pi + CAN-BUS HAT for Raspberry Pi.
  • SD card in an SD card reader connected to your computer.
  • Raspberry Pi Imager, which can be downloaded from here.

Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Download the latest image from As of the time of writing, this is rpi-20240119_134305.img.gz.
  2. In Raspberry Pi Imager, select "Use custom" and choose the downloaded image. Then, write the image to the SD card.
  3. Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi.
  4. Connect the Raspberry Pi to Ethernet so that it can access the internet to download additional upgrades when available
  5. (highly recommended).

SSH access is by default only available over wired Ethernet with the username/password as pi/Aut0m0tive.

  1. Boot up the Raspberry Pi, which may take a few minutes the first time.

  2. Next, you need to connect to the Raspberry Pi using a web browser. To do this, you first need to find the IP address

  3. of the RemotiveBroker.

    Connected to the Internet through a Router (wired)

    If possible, the easiest way is to obtain the IP/URL from your router using its admin interface.

    If this is not possible, you will need to connect to the RemotiveBroker's internal Wi-Fi access point. From your

  4. phone or computer, connect using Wi-Fi remotivelabs-* (password: remotivelabs) and navigate to

  5. In the "About" section, you can find the URL where the broker is accessible on your regular Wi-Fi.

    alt text

    Change back to your regular Wi-Fi and use http://ip_in_your_router:8080 instead. This way, you have internet

  6. access from both your client and the RemotiveBroker, which will make things easier as you proceed.


If you are not connected to the internet, you need to connect to the RemotiveBroker's internal Wi-Fi access point. From your phone or computer, connect using Wi-Fi remotivelabs-* (password: remotivelabs) and navigate to In this state, there is no internet access on your desktop or your browser, which means that things get a bit more complicated as you move on.

What to Do Next?

After completing these instructions, make sure you have a valid license by following the steps outlined in Request a License. Then, proceed to configure the broker for your project, and explore our code samples to find inspiration for your projects.