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FlexRay example


Write is currently not supported out of the box and requires customizations.

Using FlexRay with Technica CM CAN COMBO


Make sure that your Techinca devices are configured to use PLP headers and also make sure to note the specified Destination MAC (available by clicking SPY), typically 01:00:5e:00:00:00.

Connect your Technica device to the secondary USB ethernet interface eth1, which is mentioned above. As the multicast address, provide Destination MAC.

"chains": [
"type": "flexray",
"device_name": "flexray0",
"namespace": "MyFlexrayNamespace",
"config": {
"target_host": "",
"target_port": 51112,
"hardware": "Technica_CM_CAN_COMBO",
"target_config": {
"interface": "eth1",
"multicast": "01:00:5e:00:00:00"
"database": "fibex_files/flexray.xml"

Using FlexRay with Host Mobility MX-4 T30 FR

Host Mobility MX-4 T30 FR can be used as a host for RemotiveBroker, alternatively, it can be configured to forward FlexRay traffic.

Check out the bootstrap repository for more information on how to get going.