Client and server classes corresponding to protobuf-defined services.

GRPC_VERSION = '1.66.2'
class SystemServiceStub:

/ Handle configuration of the RemotiveBroker server.



Args: channel: A grpc.Channel.

class SystemServiceServicer:

/ Handle configuration of the RemotiveBroker server.

def GetConfiguration(self, request, context):

/ Get current configuration of server.

def ListSignals(self, request, context):

/ Get list of all available frames and signals on server.

def HealthCheck(self, request, context):

/ Check if broker is running and ready to serve

def UploadFileChunk(self, request, context):

* Upload file using chunks (without streams), specifically useful for gRPC-web which does not support Client-side streaming.

def UploadFile(self, request_iterator, context):

* Upload file using streams, preferred option for client with Client-side streaming.

def BatchDeleteFiles(self, request, context):

/ Delete a single or multiple files from server.

def BatchDownloadFiles(self, request, context):

/ Download a single or multiple files from server.

def BatchDownloadFileChunks(self, request, context):

Missing associated documentation comment in .proto file.

def ReloadConfiguration(self, request, context):

* Will not return until new configuration is tested an active, make sure to set timeout to a large value. (fibex on pi > 50s).

def GetLicenseInfo(self, request, context):

/ Get information about server license.

def SetLicense(self, request, context):

/ Set server license.

def SetProperty(self, request, context):

/ Sets a custom property, such as SecOc parameters

def add_SystemServiceServicer_to_server(servicer, server):
class SystemService:

/ Handle configuration of the RemotiveBroker server.

def GetConfiguration( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def ListSignals( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def HealthCheck( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def UploadFileChunk( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def UploadFile( request_iterator, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def BatchDeleteFiles( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def BatchDownloadFiles( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def BatchDownloadFileChunks( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def ReloadConfiguration( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def GetLicenseInfo( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def SetLicense( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):
def SetProperty( request, target, options=(), channel_credentials=None, call_credentials=None, insecure=False, compression=None, wait_for_ready=None, timeout=None, metadata=None):